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  • Natalie Mylonas

Welcome to the CACHE Blog!

Join us as we bridge the gap between the humanities and sciences

The CACHE fortnightly blog keeps you up to date with the latest cutting-edge research projects coming out of the Macquarie University Centre for Ancient Cultural Heritage and Environment.


This is the only centre of its kind in Australia.

CACHE brings the largest concentration of leading and emerging researchers from Ancient History – including archaeology, art history, cultural heritage preservation, papyrology, philology and cultural history – into dialogue with leading scientists from biology, environmental sciences, geography and planning, and the social sciences.

The Centre has three themes, with their own research questions that address the need to combine disparate modern research fields for a better understanding of the entirety of ancient knowledge, and its relevance today.

Group 1: Humans in their Ancient Urban and Natural Environments

Group 1 seeks to understand how humans interacted with their environments in the ancient world of ancient Greece and Rome, Egypt, Byzantium, China, and pre-colonial Australia.

Group 2: Ancient Models of Leadership: Learning from the Past

Group 2 seeks to answer the research question: what can ancient models and examples of leadership contribute to questions of leadership and government in the contemporary world?

Group 3: Receptions of Ancient Cultural Heritage 

This group will respond to questions around how we authenticate the artefacts and ancient discourses that are being studied to understand ancient knowledge and practices.

About the Blog

Each fortnight this blog will feature a different research project or member, share exciting research developments in real-time, announce budding collaborations, and keep you up to date on recent member publications. 

Join us as we bridge the gap between the humanities and sciences.

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